Have your own life
After breaking up with my first ex, I learned this lesson. I realized that I was so boring and available. I didn't have an interesting life to share with my partner. I live on the East Coast and my ex on the West. We contact mainly by Facetime and text.
Previously, I always longed for the texts, calls from my ex. I felt only insecure if I didn’t receive any text for a day.
I put the focus of my life on my ex and paid the price later. After knowing, my ex cheated me, I was devastated and nearly crumbled. My head twisted around like a hangover.
When I considered my ex the whole world, I lost my world when my ex dumped me. It took me a year to get back to my normal life. I had to quit the habit of texting or calling my ex. I nearly cried when I thought about the sweet memories we had together.
I was an event That I created my new self. I had my own purposes, my own life. I started working out, doing kickboxing, joining clubs, and hang out with friends more often.
Now, I am not crushed to reply to the text if it wasn’t important. Love is not a game and we don’t need to play it. Love is love. People will not break up with you because you don't reply within 5 minutes. If they do, let them go. That type of person is BS and no goal. They will draw your energy in the end.
Be interesting, have goals, love with all of your heart. We cannot control who stays or go. Let it be natural. No regret.